How To Login

If you are logging into the system for the first time, click here. Otherwise following the instructions below.

In your browser type the URL of your U3A's website (typically this will be which will take you to the website ‘home screen’. You may find it useful to save this page into your Favourites on your web browser.

On the menu click Login, and then on the page that appears enter your Username and Password and click “Log In”. This will take you back to the ‘home screen’ within the system.

If you wish to see that you have entered your password correctly check the box next to “Show Password”.

If you forget your password click the link “Forgot Password” on the log-in page, then enter your Username on the page that comes up and click “Reset Password”. This will send an email to the email address held for you within the system. Follow the instructions on that email to reset your password (see below under Logging In for the First Time), and then log in with your new password.

If you forget your Username, please contact your Membership Secretary who will be able to remind you what it is.

Logging Out

Click on the Logout button in the top of any of the screens within the system, or click Logout on the menu. You do not need to return to the Home page to log out.

1. you will be logged out automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity - a warning chime will alert you to this 2 mins. before you are logged out along with a pop-up message allowing you to continue.
2. it is good practice, for security reasons, to log out before leaving your device unattended for any significant period.

Logging in for the First Time

When you are first given access to the system you will be sent an email with your username and a request to change your password. If you type your website URL into your browser you will then see the website home screen

Select Login from the menu items and on the Login page that opens enter your Username and Password.

If you are logging in for the first time click "Forgot Password".

This will bring up a second page where you should enter your Username and click “Reset Password”.

You will then see:

This email may take a few minutes to come through.

Within the email click on the link (“Click here to reset your password”).
This will take you to the Password Reset page where you will need to enter your new password twice before clicking “Store New Password”.

Please note the requirements here for password length and specific characters required within it. You cannot change your Username as this is system-generated, so please ensure that you remember both your Username and Password.

You will then see: 

If you have any problems completing this initial log-in please contact your Membership Secretary or System Administrator.
Once you have completed the entries for your Password, return to the Login page you can log in using it and your Username.
Page last updated on: 24/10/2021 09:16