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Adding a Link

The Hyperlink Manager icon enables you to create a hyperlink embedded into your text. Such a link will take the user to a document, or another webpage, or another place on the current page, or enable an email to be sent to someone.
There are three tabs under the Hyperlink Manager:
Hyperlink - links to another webpage
Anchor - creates a link on the current webpage
E-mail - creates a link to enable an email to be sent

Hyperlink tab
This is the default tab and will probably be used for most circumstances. On the webpage you want to link from, use your mouse to highlight the text you want to use as the hyperlink, and then click the Hyperlink Manager icon.
This will open a window that and has the following fields:





Delete the existing text and paste here the URL of the website/web page previously copied that you wish to link to.

If the link is internal (ie on the U3A website) then type here the Alias of the page you wish to link to. [For some pages you may require to prefix the Alias by ‘/Documentation/’. If the link doesn’t work without it, try adding it in].

NOTE you can click the Document Manager icon to the right of this box, which allows you to create a link to a document. The process for this is as described under Adding a Link to a Document.

Link Text

The text you highlighted on the web page will be shown here. If you want to use different text as the hyperlink then you can type that into this field, but note that this will overwrite the text you highlighted.


Leave blank


None/ Same Window/ New Window/ Parent Window/ Browser Window/ Search Pane/ Media Pane/ Add Custom Target

For an external link select ‘New Window’ so that the page opens in a new window when the link is clicked.

For an internal link select ‘Same Window’ so that the page opens in the same window when the link is clicked.

See also the description of this field under Adding a Link to a Document.

Existing Anchor

See below

Used to link to an Anchor. See below


Text in this field will show when a user hovers their mouse over the link. If left blank it will show the URL being pointed to.

CSS Class

Do not use this. It only works if a class is specified in the website stylesheet – this has to be done by the Developer.

Once you have completed the relevant fields click OK. Your link is now embedded and the text will be blue on the webpage. If you want to remove the link, highlight it again and right click your mouse, then select ‘remove link’.

Anchor tab
An anchor allows a link to be made to a named anchor within the same page - eg to allow people to jump from the top of the page to a specific item on the page.
This tab has the following fields.




Leave blank


The name you specify for the anchor

To create the link, go to the item you want to link to and click to place your cursor just in front of it. Then open the Hyperlink Manager icon and click on the Anchor tab. In the Name field enter the name that you want the link to be known by, and click OK.
Then go to the place on the page where you want to link from, and highlight the text that will make the link. Open the Hyperlink Manager and on the Hyperlink tab select the Anchor Name you have set from the drop-down in the Existing Anchor field, and click OK. Your link is now embedded and the text will be blue. If you want to remove the link, highlight it again and right click your mouse, then select ‘remove link’.

E-mail tab
With this tab you can create a link to allow the user to send an email, without having to disclose the recipient’s email address on the website.
NOTE: The recipient’s email address will however be visible to the sender when the email template opens on their device for them to compose any reply to the email.
On the webpage you want to link from, use your mouse to highlight the text you want to use as the hyperlink, then click the Hyperlink Manager icon, and open the E-mail tab.
The tab has the following fields.




Enter here the email address of the intended recipient of the email.

Link Text

This will be the text you have highlighted. Alternatively type here the text that you wish to appear on the webpage as the hyperlink, but note that this will overwrite the text you highlighted.


The subject that will appear in the email template for the sender. NOTE: the sender will also be able to edit this text if they choose to.


Leave blank

CSS Class

This only works if a class is specified in the website stylesheet – this has to be done by the Developer.


Text in this field will show when a user hovers their mouse over the link. If left blank nothing will show.

Once you have completed the relevant fields click OK. Your link is now embedded and the text on the webpage will be blue. If you want to remove the link, highlight it again and right click your mouse, then select ‘remove link’.


Page last updated on: 07/04/2023 14:33