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Inserting an Image Gallery

The Image Gallery icon allows you to insert a set of images that can be viewed in sequence, with one image ‘full size’ whilst the others are initially shown as thumbnails below. Before proceeding, ensure you have specified where on your webpage you want your images to appear by placing your mouse cursor in that position.
In order to create a gallery you will first need to create a folder of images in the Image Manager (see Inserting Pictures). Please use a meaningful name for the folder that will relate directly to either the Menu Item or Page to which the contents will be linked. You can then upload your images to the folder and edit them as required as described under Inserting Pictures). Please note, when finished, that this folder should contain only the images you want to be in the gallery. Any images not required for the Gallery should therefore be deleted, or moved to a separate folder.

The final step whilst in Image Manager is take a copy of the folder path, in preparation for pasting it in Insert Gallery. NOTE: per the instructions in Insert Gallery you only need to insert the part of the folder path following …Images/ and with no leading slash (/). See example below:

Please make sure that you copy the entire folder path required, noting that some of it may be hidden (as in the example above).

Once you have done this, exit Image Manager and click the Insert Gallery icon. Paste your folder path into the Folder Path window and click on ‘Insert Gallery’, as below.

Back on your webpage (in the Edit window) you will only see the file path details at the place where your images will appear. 

When you click Save Changes to exit the Edit window the images should appear. If this is not the case, go to another web page and then return to the one you inserted the Image Gallery on. The images should then be visible. 

NOTE: The ‘full size’ image will be displayed across the full width of the web page. This may result in very large images (particularly for ones in portrait mode) or pixilated images (for those originally of small dimensions). One way round this is to create a table with just one cell, to hold the Gallery. This can then be dragged to the size required for the full size image (and aligned; left, centre, right, as desired) – see Insert Table below.

Please contact your Webmaster or System Administrator if you need any assistance with this.

Page last updated on: 07/04/2023 14:32