Cycling - Rusty Riders (Cake and Gossip)
Time - 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Week in Month - Third
Day - Monday
Venue - Outside Town Hall
Attendance Fee - Standard - £0.50, PrePay - £0.40
Vacancies - Waiting List

A very friendly group aimed at returning and leisurely cyclists,  e.g. 12 miles.

Members should bring their own roadworthy bicycle, personal attire to taste and whilst being optional the wearing of a high-viz reflective jacket and helmet are both very highly recommended. They must be able to ride a bicycle and have a good basic road sense.

Members have a leisurely cycle to a ‘half way’ cafe stop, where they may eat, drink, (more often than not Coffee and Cake and chat, then cycle perhaps a little bit slower back to Sandbach feeling quite satisfied with the days exercise.