Please Note:

Your membership normally ends on 30/09/2025. However, if you join after 01/07/25 it is extended to 30/09/2025There are two membership levels to choose from (see below). Note STANDARD one is pre-selected by default. If you want to become an ASSOCIATE member, please select that instead. Your fee includes £4 per capita paid to our National Organisation, the Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover.

If you have any query concerning this form and its contents, please contact If you have submitted this form previously, please DO NOT re-submit. Instead contact the Membership Secretary and mention the corrections you would like to make to your previous form. This step is necessary to avoid creating duplicate memberships.

Please note that we use email addresses extensively for numerous events and notifications during the year. Due to the high costs of postage we limit postal communication to essential notices only. If you have an email address and decide not to provide that, please be aware you will be missing out on all email notices and important system messages following this application.  Please contact the membership secretary as above for information on how to pay your subscription, if you do not give an email address.

In the following * starred items are essential. At the end don't forget to click "Submit Membership Request".

Standard Membership
Renewal Date: 01/10/2025
if you are a member of another U3A
Renewal Date: 01/10/2025


(Please Select)
First Name*:
Known as (optional):
Last Name*:

Gift Aid Declaration:

You can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate to us. Gift Aid will be reclaimed by us from the tax you pay for the current tax year.

I want to gift aid my donation of the fee and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Buckingham & District U3A. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. If you agree to these conditions, click YES.

Gift Aid?:
Date gift aid signed:
Open the calendar popup.

Please notify Buckingham & District U3A, if you (a) want to cancel this declaration, (b) change your name or home address or (c) no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains, by email or in writing.

Tell us more about you

Would you like to help?:

Our U3A is run by volunteer members and you may have skills, experience and interests to offer. You can also tell us If you have an interest in a new group which is not on offer or would like to help us in anyway. 


Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Preferred Phone:


House No/ House Name/ Flat No*:
Road/Street name*:

In Case of Emergency (used by Group Leaders if you become ill during a meeting)

Contact Name:
Contact Relationship:
Contact Number:

U3A Matters Magazine (U3AM) is published by the Third Age Trust. State your preference below (for full Members).

Receive U3AM?:


Other U3A Membership:

If you have opted for ASSOCIATE membership level, then you must indicate below the name and membership number of the other U3A. Please note that it must be a current membership and you must notify us immediately if you give up that membership.

Other U3A name & number:


Privacy & Data Protection:

Your personal details will be held on a secure computer database on behalf of Buckingham & District U3A by Web Integral Ltd, who will guarantee and protect data in line with current legislation and good practice. The details will be used solely for the purpose of administration and distribution of U3A communications, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. They will never be supplied to an outside agency or party other than for you to receive the U3A magazine U3A Matters by Direct Mail or to reclaim tax on Gift Aid donations. By signing this form, you consent to such use of your data. Please be advised that you can request for your data not to be used for any of these purposes at any time by contacting us by email

For full details of our privacy policy and data protection, see

Please note that by submitting this form you agree to our privacy and data protection policy.

Terms & Conditions of Membership

All members must:

  • Abide by the Principles of the U3A movement.
  • Always act in the best interests of the U3A and never do anything to bring the U3A into disrepute.
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution.
  • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times.
  • Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee.
  • Advise the committee of any changes in your personal details.

Please note that by submitting this form you agree to the terms and conditions stated above and gift aid conditions.

After your application is approved, don't forget to visit our welcome page, which will appear in the banner when you log in as a member.

If after Submitting Membership Request, you are not sent to a page confirming your application, please scroll to the top of the page to see error messages.