Wild Life Group
Time - 10:00 to 12:00
Week - Fourth
Day - Tuesday
Group Leader(s) - Tony Dines, email: wildlife@buckinghamu3a.org.uk
Venue - Ask leader
Vacancies - 18
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
Meetings will take place at the times, dates, and locations mentioned in the Group description.  From time to time Special Events will be added.

Programme for 2023/24

26th September       Wicken Fen
24th October            Fungi Walk
28th November       Slimbridge Wetland Cenre
12th December       Christmas Lunch
23rd January           Summer Leys
27th February         Flood Plain Forest
26th March              Batsford Arboretum/Falconry Centre
23rd April                Attenborough Nature Reserve
28th May                Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
25th June                Ragpits and Wendover Woods
23rd July                 Chasing Butterflies at Salcey Forest
27th August           Lunch