Square Dancing Group
Time - 22:00
Week - Various
Day - N/A
Group Leader(s) - email: group.liaison.officer@buckinghamu3a.org.uk
Venue - B’ham Athletic Football Club
Vacancies - 24
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
There are currently no leaders assigned to this group. If you are interested in helping to organise the group, please contact the Group Liaison Officer for more information.
Meetings will take place at the times, dates, and locations mentioned in the Group description.  From time to time Special Events will be added.

Sadly the U3A Square Dancing group danced its final dance, as the group closed with effect from 1st December 2023.  The U3A extends its gratitude to Susie and Simon for their enthusiasm and miraculous efforts over the past years.

For enquiries please contact the group Liaison officers as above - if you are an experienced Square Dancing Caller or wish to undertake the training, we would be delighted to hear from you, as there are several people still interested in attending a regular session.