Spanish (Intermediate) Group
Time - 11:00 to 12:30
Week - Weekly
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Robert Winks, email:
Venue - Zoom (or Online)
Vacancies - 5
Group Leaders
First NameSurname

Please see group details above for times, dates, and locations of meetings. Special events may be added from time to time.

About the group

Our group continues to meet weekly and is now on Monday mornings via Zoom from 11am to 12.30pm.We now have only four regular attendeesand would welcome new members. The lesson usually starts with everyone giving a brief update in Spanish on his or her news and activities. Currently we tend to read an article on a topical issue in Spain and the Spanish speaking world ,usually from a publication such as El Pais. Our native speaker teacher promotes discussion of the text and encourages each member in turn to present opinions and offer alternative explanations of any new vocabulary. She encourages spoken confidence with challenging questions, guiding and supporting us with humour and patience. Occasionally we listen to news clips in order to broaden our understanding of the issues. Significant UK and World events may also feature in discussion. After the one hour with the teacher a group session may continue in Spanish to elaborate or focus on any aspect of the class. If you have roughly B2 Threshold level and are keen to expand your knowledge of Spanish please contact the group co-ordinator.

Saludos amables


Contact the Group coordinator for further information