Latin Group
Time - 14:00 to 16:00
Week - Second
Day - Tuesday
Group Leader(s) - John Sharp, email:
Venue - House or Ask Leader
Vacancies - 9
Group Leaders
First NameSurname
Meetings will take place at the times, dates, and locations mentioned in the Group description.  From time to time Special Events will be added.

 The Latin group consists of 3 members who are working through a “Reading Latin” book.  Most of the members are not complete beginners and have recalled some schooldays Latin. We have enjoyed being introduced to authors we hadn’t come across before.  

Please get in touch if you would like to join us, to discuss how comfortable you may be with the level we have reached.  Because we are a small group, we should be able to accommodate you. 

Please also get in touch if you are a complete beginner, who is interested in knowing more about the language and literature.  We can discuss the possibility of starting a parallel group to get you off the ground.

In our meetings we find much time to chat about a wide range of topics and there is much of interest about Roman society to amuse and challenge!  We also enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in a central Buckingham home.  At present, we try to meet on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month.