The Gardening Group meets every first Tuesday of the month with the exception of January and August when no meetings take place. Indoor meetings are held in Embleton Way Community Centre and usually last about 2 hrs with tea & biscuits.
We plan a programme of events which starts in February every year. Indoor meetings take place during the cooler months at the beginning and end of the year when we may have a visiting speaker or other discussion session in the hall,
During the summer months we get out and about visiting gardens. These vary from stately homes to the gardens of our members. Small or large it doesn’t matter, there’s always something different to see and new ideas to take home. There are some variable fees involved for visits. We also visit local nurseries or garden centres for talks and demonstrations. Visits are usually followed by tea and cake, an essential end to any outing!
Christmas time is usually a social occasion with afternoon tea and a chance to chat with other members.
Good Gardening!