Creative Writing Group
Time - 11:00 to 13:00
Week - First + Third
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Susie Kelly, email:
Venue - House or Ask Leader
Vacancies - 7
Group Leaders
First NameSurname

Please see group details above for times, dates, and locations of meetings. Special events may be added from time to time.

About the group

We have nine regular members which is an easy number to accommodate both physically round a table and aurally when reading our pieces within the two hour slot we allow ourselves.

Whilst the greater number of of our group have chosen not to participate  there are still 4 of us left who are trying to keep the group together by email.  I still send out my ideas and suggestions to the whole group of a dozen or so,  but some seem to need the fact of meeting around a table  and getting verbal feed back, to keep their impetus going.  Some of course cannot  manage the technology  needed for emailing  which was unimportant when we met face to face once a month as they could bring their stories hand written on paper..
I still intend to  produce an Anthology  of the pieces that people have liked the best in their last year’s work so that is the next big exercise Simon will be  helping me with.  He doesn’t get involved otherwise except when we meet up  more sociably with the added attraction of food  at Christmas  time.
As I’ve been  thinking up subjects every month since about the year 2000 some ideas appeal and inspire more than others but the  members do try to produce something each week even if not on the subject I’ve suggested.
Well done to the small number who have kept the group going  so at least when we can meet again there is a group to come back to.
Susie  Kelly

For further information please contact the Group Coordinator – details above.