Architecture Group
Time - 10:00 to 12:00
Week - Second
Day - Thursday
Group Leader(s) - Peter Bowtell, email:
Venue - Community Room (Library)
Attendance Fee - £1.00
Vacancies - 9
Group Leaders
First NameSurname

Please see group details above for times, dates, and locations of meetings. Special events may be added from time to time.

About the group

We are a large group of enthusiastic members interested in both modern and historic buildings, together with associated disciplines such as town planning and landscape architecture.  Our monthly meetings feature illustrated talks mainly by group members but occasionally by external speakers.  These cover a wide range of subjects as diverse as London Underground Stations, buildings in North Korea, Pre-war British Housing and The Role of Women in Architecture. In addition we arrange five or six trips each year to visit historic houses, new developments, museums and cathedrals.  Our December meeting is always a social occasion where we discuss ideas for the following year’s programme.

We meet monthly (except August) in the Community Meeting Room above Buckingham Library.